Be a part of the world’s largest humanitarian service organization. Join a global community of kind-hearted, service-minded people, dedicated to making a positive impact. We couldn’t be happier to have you as a Lion!
There are a number of Lions Clubs in San Diego and Imperial Counties near your home or your job. E-mail our District Governor and he will answer any question you may have and can connect you to the club of your choice.
DG Leo Williams, Jr.
E-mail - [email protected]
New Member Application, click here to download/print
Send completed application to our District Governor ( [email protected] ) or
to a Lions Club near you. Please contact the Lions Club you wish to join to find out what their respective membership fee is. For your information there is generally a One-Time (Entrance) Fee of $35, Lions International Fee of $48 and MD4 & 4L6 Fee of $31 plus whatever the individual Club is charging.
See suggested invitation format below
Come and join us
Member Orientation (Open to all Lions and Non-Lions) every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM at the Lions Clubhouse (1341 East 8th Street, Suite A, National City, CA 91950.
To participate/attend, please call Lion Jay Ruiz, Sr. - District 4L6 Assistant Global Leadership Team Coordinator @ (619) 581-1051 (leave message if not answered) no later than 2 days before the scheduled session to confirm your attendance
Last session, attended by ten Lions
PDF format Member Orientation, click here to see/learn/download. Updated 1-3-2025. Feel free to modify
PDF format Member Orientation, click here to see/learn/download. Updated 1-3-2025. Feel free to modify
Another Way to Serve - ADVOCACY
All About Advocacy? click here
25 Projects to Kick-Start your service
Every club needs members in order to achieve its service goals. To help clubs recruit new members, Lions Clubs International offers several membership options to community members who want to volunteer and serve their communities as Lions.
MEMBERSHIP TYPES In addition to regular membership, Lions International offers special membership programs for families, college students, former Leos and young adults.
New member - New members pay an entrance fee of US$35 or must submit the proper waiver certification form. International dues total US$46 annually. Dues are billed on a semi-annual basis. Additional club, district multiple district dues may apply. Currently, our MD4 Dues are $31 per member annually.
Transfer member - Transfer members in good standing pay no entrance fee when transferring to an existing club within 12 months.
Family member - The Family Membership Program provides families with the opportunity to receive a special dues discount when they join a Lions club together. The first family member (head of household) pays full international dues of $46, and up to four additional family members pay only half the international dues US$23. All family members pay the one-time entrance fee (US$35) and MD4 dues.
The Family Membership Program is open to family members who are (1) eligible for Lions membership, (2) currently in or joining the same club and (3) living in the same household and related by birth, marriage or other legal relationship. Common household family members include parents, children, spouses, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, inlaws and legal dependents. Submit via MyLCI, or include the Family Unit Certification Form with the Monthly Membership Report (MMR).
Student member - Students enrolled in an educational institution who are between the age of legal majority and through age 30 pay no entrance or charter fee and half international dues of $23. Students over age 30 who are joining a Campus Lions club pay a US$10 entrance fee and full international dues. Submit the Student Member Certification Form (STU-5) for each student.
Current or Former LEO - Current or former Leos seeking membership, who are through the age of 35 and have served as a LEO for at least a year and a day, pay half international dues and receive an entrance/charter fee waiver under the LEO-LION membership program. Leo-Lion should be selected as the membership type in MyLCI. LEOs over age 35 who have served as a LEO for at least a year and a day receive an entrance/charter fee waiver.
Young adult - Young adults through the age of 30 receive an entrance fee waiver and pay half international dues when joining a LEO to LION Club.
MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES For prospective members who may not be able to meet the obligations of active membership, Lions International offers several membership categories to fit their needs.
Active member - Active membership is the “typical” category of Lions membership. Active members who meet all requirements of Lions membership receive all benefits.
Affiliate member - An affiliate member is someone who is not able to participate as an active member of the club but desires to support the club and its community service initiatives.
Associate member - An associate member has active membership in one Lions club and associate membership(s) in a other club(s) in their community of residence or employment.
Honorary member - Honorary members are not a regular member of the Lions club but may be granted honorary membership by a Lions club for having performed outstanding service.
Life member - A life member is a Lion who has maintained active membership for at least 20 years, or at least 15 years if the member has reached age 70. Life membership may also be granted to a Lion who is critically ill.
Member-at-large - A member-at-large is a member of a club who is unable to regularly attend club meetings but desires to retain membership in the club.
Privileged member - A privileged member is a Lion who has been a member 15 or more years but must relinquish active status because of illness, infirmity, advanced age or other reason.
MEMBERSHIP TYPES In addition to regular membership, Lions International offers special membership programs for families, college students, former Leos and young adults.
New member - New members pay an entrance fee of US$35 or must submit the proper waiver certification form. International dues total US$46 annually. Dues are billed on a semi-annual basis. Additional club, district multiple district dues may apply. Currently, our MD4 Dues are $31 per member annually.
Transfer member - Transfer members in good standing pay no entrance fee when transferring to an existing club within 12 months.
Family member - The Family Membership Program provides families with the opportunity to receive a special dues discount when they join a Lions club together. The first family member (head of household) pays full international dues of $46, and up to four additional family members pay only half the international dues US$23. All family members pay the one-time entrance fee (US$35) and MD4 dues.
The Family Membership Program is open to family members who are (1) eligible for Lions membership, (2) currently in or joining the same club and (3) living in the same household and related by birth, marriage or other legal relationship. Common household family members include parents, children, spouses, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, inlaws and legal dependents. Submit via MyLCI, or include the Family Unit Certification Form with the Monthly Membership Report (MMR).
Student member - Students enrolled in an educational institution who are between the age of legal majority and through age 30 pay no entrance or charter fee and half international dues of $23. Students over age 30 who are joining a Campus Lions club pay a US$10 entrance fee and full international dues. Submit the Student Member Certification Form (STU-5) for each student.
Current or Former LEO - Current or former Leos seeking membership, who are through the age of 35 and have served as a LEO for at least a year and a day, pay half international dues and receive an entrance/charter fee waiver under the LEO-LION membership program. Leo-Lion should be selected as the membership type in MyLCI. LEOs over age 35 who have served as a LEO for at least a year and a day receive an entrance/charter fee waiver.
Young adult - Young adults through the age of 30 receive an entrance fee waiver and pay half international dues when joining a LEO to LION Club.
MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES For prospective members who may not be able to meet the obligations of active membership, Lions International offers several membership categories to fit their needs.
Active member - Active membership is the “typical” category of Lions membership. Active members who meet all requirements of Lions membership receive all benefits.
Affiliate member - An affiliate member is someone who is not able to participate as an active member of the club but desires to support the club and its community service initiatives.
Associate member - An associate member has active membership in one Lions club and associate membership(s) in a other club(s) in their community of residence or employment.
Honorary member - Honorary members are not a regular member of the Lions club but may be granted honorary membership by a Lions club for having performed outstanding service.
Life member - A life member is a Lion who has maintained active membership for at least 20 years, or at least 15 years if the member has reached age 70. Life membership may also be granted to a Lion who is critically ill.
Member-at-large - A member-at-large is a member of a club who is unable to regularly attend club meetings but desires to retain membership in the club.
Privileged member - A privileged member is a Lion who has been a member 15 or more years but must relinquish active status because of illness, infirmity, advanced age or other reason.
To print the Membership Key Awards, click here
Learn. Lead. Grow.
Learning is part of the human experience. It empowers us to improve our thinking, our feeling, our communication, and our service. When Lions and Leos put learning into action, leadership happens.
The Leadership Development Team works year-round with Lions and Leos who want to continue growing for the sake of their clubs, their communities, and Lions International. If that describes you—no matter where you are in your leadership journey—training and development opportunities are available to keep you moving forward.
Online learning - The Lions Learning Center (LLC) offers all Lions and Leos the opportunity to learn and sharpen their knowledge of Lions fundamentals and leadership skills through online interactive courses. Access the LLC from the “Learn” application using your Lion account login and password.
Prepare for your role as an officer! Lions International offers training for the following officers: Club Officer Training: Online training options are available for club president, secretary and treasurer. Zone Chairperson Workshop: The zone chairperson workshop is designed to enhance the skill development of zone chairpersons. Second Vice District Governor (SVDG) Training Program: The second vice district governor training is a blended learning program designed to meet the development and training needs of the second vice district governor. First Vice District Governors/District Governors-Elect (FVDGs/DGEs) Training Program: The First Vice District Governors/District Governors-Elect (FVDGs/DGEs) Training Program is an intensive year-long program designed to equip FVDGs/DGEs with the knowledge, vision, and skills necessary to strengthen and build Lions International.
Learning is part of the human experience. It empowers us to improve our thinking, our feeling, our communication, and our service. When Lions and Leos put learning into action, leadership happens.
The Leadership Development Team works year-round with Lions and Leos who want to continue growing for the sake of their clubs, their communities, and Lions International. If that describes you—no matter where you are in your leadership journey—training and development opportunities are available to keep you moving forward.
Online learning - The Lions Learning Center (LLC) offers all Lions and Leos the opportunity to learn and sharpen their knowledge of Lions fundamentals and leadership skills through online interactive courses. Access the LLC from the “Learn” application using your Lion account login and password.
Prepare for your role as an officer! Lions International offers training for the following officers: Club Officer Training: Online training options are available for club president, secretary and treasurer. Zone Chairperson Workshop: The zone chairperson workshop is designed to enhance the skill development of zone chairpersons. Second Vice District Governor (SVDG) Training Program: The second vice district governor training is a blended learning program designed to meet the development and training needs of the second vice district governor. First Vice District Governors/District Governors-Elect (FVDGs/DGEs) Training Program: The First Vice District Governors/District Governors-Elect (FVDGs/DGEs) Training Program is an intensive year-long program designed to equip FVDGs/DGEs with the knowledge, vision, and skills necessary to strengthen and build Lions International.
Leadership Institutes:
MD4 Leadership Institutes - Go to then go to "Calendar" locate "MD4 Lions Leadership Institutes & Summits"
Advanced Lions Leadership Institute - Go to and search for "ALLI"
LEO - Lion Scholarship Program, click here for more info
USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum - Go to
For Bachelor's, Master's & Doctorate's Programs, go to
For District 4L6 Training Schedule, check our District Calendar page
Lions Clubs International Service Programs
- Type 2 Diabetes Screening: Clubs can make a difference by organizing a screening project in their communities. Get started by using the step-by-step guides and resources provided by Lions International.
- Strides for Diabetes Awareness: Strides activities are a fun and engaging way for Lions and Leos everywhere to promote diabetes awareness. A Strides event can be any physical activity, from a run to a dance competition! Get creative with Strides, and use positivity and exercise to open the door to diabetes awareness and prevention. One Strides event held in your community is all it takes to begin fighting back against the spread of diabetes.
- Lions Eye Banks: Eye banks recover, evaluate, store and distribute human eye tissue for vision restoration, research and education. Eye surgeons rely on eye banks to supply them with tissue for sight-saving procedures. A Lions eye bank is sponsored by a Lions club, district or multiple district and has an established working relationship with a medical facility.
- Vision Screening: Eighty percent of all visual impairment can be prevented or cured. The first step to prevention is awareness. The second is early detection through vision screening. Around the world, Lions partner with medical professionals and community leaders to screen young children, primary school students, and adults to identify those at risk for vision loss.
- Eyeglass Recycling: Refractive errors can be easily corrected with eyeglasses, yet millions living in low- and middle-income countries lack access to basic eye care services. Lions have recognized the urgent need for corrective lenses and collect usable glasses in their communities to support the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.
- Youth Camps and Exchange: The YCE program is comprised of two major parts: international exchanges and international camps. Together, they foster a spirit of understanding and encourage peace among the people of the world. YCE does not involve tourism, academic study or employment. Instead, youth are encouraged to use their travel opportunity to share their own culture while experiencing a new one.
- Diabetes Camps: The Diabetes Camps program is designed to help enhance the quality of life for young people living with diabetes. This program fosters relationships that will help participants expand their diabetes management skills and increase knowledge of the disease.
- Diabetes Support Groups: Diabetes peer support groups allow your club, district or multiple district to actively support the diabetes community through hands-on service.
Service Project Planners are a collection of downloadable tools designed for clubs that are ready to engage our global causes in their community
100 Service projects ideas, click here
My Lion - How to Report & Celebrate Service Guide, click here
Why Report Service, click here