District Chairpersons respective responsibilities
Partial List...
DISTRICT GOVERNOR - Leo Williams, Jr. San Diego Forever Lions Club [email protected]
To download & print the above GAT Roles & Responsibilities, click here
PCC Mary Zulkoski La Mesa Lions Club [email protected]
Assist - Teresita Reyes San Diego Dynamic Lions Club [email protected]
To download & pint the above GET Roles & Responsibilities, click here
PCC John Barsanti La Mesa Lions Club [email protected]
Assist - Jay Ruiz, Sr. San Diego TFC Lions Club [email protected]
To download & print the above GLT Roles & Responsibilities, click here
PDG Norm MacKenzie San Marcos Lions Club [email protected]
To download & print the above GMT Roles & Responsibilities, click here
PDG Brad Weeks Spring Valley Lions Club [email protected]
Assist - Paul Walters El Cajon Valley Lions Club [email protected]
To download & print the above GST Roles & Responsibilities, click here
Budget & Audit:
Purpose: The District Budget and Audit Committee exists to insure a viable annual budget is prepared, reviewed by the Cabinet Members and approved by the District Membership at the first District Cabinet Meeting.
Committee Responsibilities: The primary function of the committee is to:
1. Ensure an annual district budget is prepared primarily to govern the income and expenses of the:
a. A copy of the proposed District Budget shall be provided to each Club and PDG in the District at least 40 days prior to the 1st District Meeting for review. (5/2018)
b. District Administrative Account
c. District Convention Account
d. All other District Administrative Accounts
2. District Civic or Charity Accounts are governed by the Constitution of Lions International, District 4L6, in conformance with the rules and regulations of the Federal Internal Revenue Service.
3. After preparation and approval of district budgets, the Budget and Audit Committee has the authority and responsibility to:
a. Review expenditures as to complying with the approved budgets.
b. Approve changes in expenditures to the approved budgets.
c. Insure proper business procedures are used for recording income and expenses.
d. Insure that an annual audit of all accounts is performed.
e. Insure that the proper taxes and reports are filed.
Childhood Cancer: (See helpful Information below - 2 pages, bottom of page)
Childhood Cancer Chairpersons serve at the district and multiple district levels and are appointed by the District Governor or Council Chairperson, respectively. Childhood Cancer Chairpersons Support Lions and Leos engaged or interested in projects to expand access to life-saving treatment and provide support to the children and families who face childhood cancers. They may collaborate with leadership throughout the organization, including the Global Service Team. Information for Childhood Cancer Chairperson, Click here
Constitution & Bylaws:
Purpose: The committee exist to support the purpose of Lions International and the District Lions Clubs which is: the advancement and betterment of the District in full conformity with all the rules and regulations prescribed by the Lions International.
Responsibilities: The primary functions of the committee is to:
1. Insure the District Constitution and Bylaws are in accordance with the Lions International and the Multiple District Four directives.
a. This will be accomplished by annually reviewing the changes to said Lions International and MD4 directives, comparing subjects that are specifically addressed in the District directives.
b. In the event a conflict arises between the District Directives and Lions International’s Directives; the International rules shall prevail. Secondarily MD4’s directives shall govern; lastly allowing areas not covered by the aforementioned to be governed by an approved Constitution and/or Bylaws adopted by the local District. District 4L6’s documents will be revised as required to conform as stated herein.
c. The Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall provide the District Governor (elect) with a corrected and amended copy of the District Constitution and Bylaws for insertion in the District Directory and shall verify the accuracy of the printed version.
2. Insure the District Constitution and Bylaws meet the needs of the Lions of District 4L6. This will be accomplished by periodic review of the changes in the needs of the Lions of said District, by review of wording to insure proper interpretation of intent, and input from the members of the district.
3. Necessary changes will require approval of the Lions attending the District Convention per Constitution Article XI.
4. Proper advanced notification will be provided to District Officials and individual Lions Clubs per Constitution Article XI.
Cultural and Community Activities:
The district cultural and community activities chairperson encourages clubs in the district to develop Lions Crew at Work and Lions Cultural and Community Activities projects.
Introduced in 2008, the Lions Crew at Work Program encourages clubs to undertake projects that physically enhance local facilities such as a food pantry, shelter for the homeless, shelter for domestic abuse victims, a community center, a playground, or a recreational camp for disabled children.
Introduced in 2000, Lions Cultural and Community Activities encourage clubs to undertake cultural projects that foster local customs such as concerts, theater productions, art exhibits, and handcrafts.
Diabetes Awareness & Action:
The main objective of the program is to reduce the number of new cases of blindness caused by diabetic retinopathy through education, detection and research. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of new cases of adult blindness. There is an emerging global epidemic of diabetes that can be traced back to rapid increases in overweight, obesity and physical inactivity. Diabetes is a "silent killer" every 10 seconds a person dies of a diabetes-related cause. More than 285 million people worldwide live with diabetes. Information for Diabetes Chairperson, click here
Endorsed Projects:
Purpose: The District Endorsed Projects Committee exists to insure uniformity and constitutional compliance for approved district endorsed projects.
Committee Responsibilities: The primary function of the committee is to:
1. Examine the current District endorsed projects and propose adding or deleting projects suggested by other Lion members. With regard to the latter, the committee shall draft appropriate resolutions, and make specific recommendations for adoption or rejection. No District Endorsed Project shall be approved until it has been reviewed by this committee.
2. Each district endorsed project shall be created by resolution prepared by the District Endorsed Projects Committee, adopted and supported by at least fifteen percent (15%) of the district clubs, as evidenced by a letter to the District Endorsed Committee from the adopting/ supporting Clubs. The resolution shall contain the name of the project, committee goals, financial estimate, if applicable, list of the Lions Clubs adopting / supporting the project, the projected life of the committee, (not to exceed five (5) years, and the recommendations for accepting or rejecting the project. When a District Project expires, any funds allocated to it shall be referred to the Budget and Audit Committee, which shall recommend their disposition at the next Cabinet Meeting. District Endorsed Project Committee members shall be listed in the official Directory of the District.
3. The Chair of the District Endorsed Project Committee shall provide the District Governor (elect) with a complete and accurate list of all the District Endorsed Projects resolutions for insertion in the Official District Directory and shall verify the accuracy of the printed list.
4. Projects approved by Lions International and the Council of Governors of Multiple District Four will be listed under their respective headings and are endorsed for participation by District 4-L6 Lions Clubs and their members.
To encourage clubs in the district to implement Lions Green Team projects such as: community clean-up, tree planting, recycling, and environmental education. To encourage clubs to participate in the Lions Environmental Photo Contest. Information for Environment Chairperson, Click here
To support Lions and LEOs engaged or interested in projects to alleviate hunger and malnutrition. They may collaborate with leadership throughout the organization, including the Global Service Team. Information for Hunger Chairperson, click here
International Relations:
Is to encourage clubs to participate in activities in support of the third purpose of Lions International: To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world."
LEO Club:
To contribute to the success of their districts through the promotion, development and continual support of LEO Clubs. To encourage LEOs and LEO Club advisors to bring new energy, inspire fresh ideas for service, and grow the LEO Club Program.
Lions Alert - 1stVDG and all Region Chairs:
The Lions Alert Program encourages Lions clubs and the district to cooperate with local authorities to develop a plan of action in the event of a natural, man made, or healthcare emergency.
Lions Service for Children:
The program is to improve the lives of children and young adolescents in adverse circumstances through health and education services, locally and internationally. The Chairperson is to assists clubs to provide aid to children.
Long Range Planning & Research:
Purpose: The District Long Range Planning and Research Committee exists to review from whence the District has evolved. To research the future growth areas and make long range projections for needs within our service territory.
Committee Responsibilities: The primary function of the committee is to insure the Lions of District 4-L6 continue to meet the needs of people within the San Diego and Imperial Counties.
1. Gather data on future population expansion plans by cities and counties.
2. Propose growth of existing Lions Clubs and requirements for new Lions Clubs to enhance and support the changing demographics of our District.
3. Identify new types of service projects at the district level by areas.
4. Make projections and recommendations by time frames going over five years or longer.
Marketing Chairperson:
Purpose: The Nominations Committee exists to receive all applications for the position of District Governor, 1st Vice District Governor and 2nd Vice District Governor. The committee will review and verify each application for qualification with Lions Clubs International’s minimum requirements.
Committee Responsibilities: The primary function of the committee is to:
1. Follow Article IV, Officers, Section 1 and 2 of the District’s Constitution and Article I and II and Exhibits E, D and F from Lions Clubs International’s District By-Laws (form LA-4).
2. Candidates will submit a letter of intent, as required by Article II, Section 1,2 & 3 of the Lions International’s District’s By-Laws, for each elected position they are seeking.
3. Request Clubs, in good standing, to submit a letter of nomination for a member in good standing of their Club, requesting to be nominated for either District Governor, 1st Vice District Governor or 2nd Vice District Governor per Article X Section 1 of the District’s Constitution and By-Laws.
4. Review each application to determine if the Lion member qualifies for the position they seek.
5. This committee will notify all Clubs of who the candidates are and what position they seek.
6. Submit the names of all qualified Lions to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee Chair for listing on the next District Convention ballot.
7. This Committee will read the names for nomination at the opening session of the District Convention per Article X, Elections, Section 2 of the District’s Constitution. It is the candidate’s responsibility to solicit a fellow Lion to present a seconding speech.
Peace Poster Contest:
The Chairperson is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the district for this annual contest that challenges young people to think about peace and express what it means to them.
Public Relations & Lions Information:
The Chairperson is responsible for providing guidance and support to club public relations chairpersons, publicizing district activities.
Reading Action Program:
The program bridges the gap in literacy and education for underserved people through club and district literacy projects and initiatives. To plan, coordinate and promote local literacy activities and to serve as the liaison between Lions Clubs International and the district governor and clubs regarding program activities.
Sight Preservation, Awareness & Action:
The mission of the program is to provide programs and assistance to aid people who are blind and visually impaired, work towards reversible blindness and eliminate preventable blindness. Information for Vision Chairperson, click here
Youth Camp & Exchange - Youth Lions Opportunity:
Ensure youth protection is maintained and procedures are followed according to local laws and customs.
- Thoroughly review and understand the YCE policy.
- Ensure Lions or officially designated non-Lions conduct the program according to the YCE policy.
- Develop a district plan to establish, publicize, evaluate and collect metrics on camps and/or exchanges.
- Work with your district governor or coordinating Lions to submit your local program information to Lions International.
- Establish a thorough screening and selection process for exchange youth and host families.
- Organize a program orientation for exchange youth and host families.